Congratulations, Mellon/ACLS Community College Fellows!

The following update comes from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS):

The Mellon/ACLS Community College Faculty Fellowships recognize humanities and social science faculty who teach at two-year institutions and their vital contributions to scholarship, teaching, and their communities. The awards are tailored to the circumstances of these faculty and support their wide-ranging research ambitions. Fellows may use the awards to pursue projects with a variety of outcomes, including articles, book chapters, or books; course materials; exhibitions; community or campus events; online resources; and more. This program is made possible through the generous support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Continue reading Congratulations, Mellon/ACLS Community College Fellows!


“Going Global, Growing Global: New Models for Internationalization at CCs”

The following comes from the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC):

The Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) and Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) invite you and interested colleagues to attend the upcoming online symposium: “Going Global, Growing Global: New Models for Internationalization at Community Colleges,” on Thursday, April 8 and Friday, April 9, 2021, from 1:00-3:00 pm Eastern Time. The promotional flyer for the two-day event is below.

Continue reading “Going Global, Growing Global: New Models for Internationalization at CCs”


Announcing Another Great NEH Summer Institute Opportunity

The following is posted on behalf of NEH and CUNY:

The American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning at the City University of New York Graduate Center will host a two-week NEH Summer Institute for college and university faculty in July 2020 on the Visual Culture of the American Civil War and Its Aftermath.  Applications to participate will be accepted via mail, e-mail, and our online application system until March 1, 2020.

The Institute will focus on the era’s array of visual media–including the fine arts, ephemera, and photography–to examine how information and opinion about the war were recorded and disseminated, and the ways visual media expressed and shaped Americans’ understanding on both sides of the conflict.  Guided by a team of three faculty that represents the range of work in the field, Institute participants will hear daily lectures and presentations by noted historians, art historians, and archivists; and take part in hands-on sessions in significant museums and archival collections. These Institute activities will introduce participants to the rich body of scholarship that addresses or incorporates Civil War era visual culture, encourage them to explore avenues for further research in the field, and assist them in developing their own research and/or teaching projects. Reading assignments preceding and during the Institute will prepare participants for full engagement in the Institute¹s discussions and activities. And time will be provided to prepare individual projects, undertake research at local archives, and meet with the three principal institute faculty members as well as guest speakers.

The institute will meet from July 6 to July 17, 2020 at the CUNY Graduate Center (34th Street and Fifth Avenue) and other archival and museum sites around the city, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New-York Historical Society, and New York Public Library. Faculty and visiting speakers include: Jermaine Archer, Amanda Bellows, Louise Bernard, Michele Bogart, Joshua Brown, Sarah Burns, Gregory Downs, Matthew Fox-Amato, Amanda Frisken, Lauren Hewes, Dominique Jean-Louis, Barbara Krauthamer, Turkiya Lowe, Maurie McInnis, Megan Kate Nelson,  Susan Schulten, Scott Manning Stevens, and Dell Upton.

While scholars and teachers specializing in U.S. history, American Studies, and art history will find the Institute especially attractive, we encourage applicants from any field who are interested in the Civil War era and its visual culture, regardless of your disciplinary interests.  Independent scholars, scholars engaged in museum work or full-time graduate studies are also urged to apply.  You need not have extensive prior knowledge of the Civil War or visual culture or have previously incorporated their study in any of your courses or research. However, your application essay should identify concrete ways in which two weeks of concentration on the topics will enhance your teaching and/or research. In addition, please describe a research or teaching project you will develop during the institute. The ideal institute participant will bring to the group a fresh understanding of the relevance of the topic to their teaching and research.

Full details and application information are available on the ASHP/CML Institute website at  For further information, please contact Institute Director Donna Thompson Ray at or 212-817-1963.

Completed applications must be submitted via our online application system or e-mail or postal mail no later than March 1, 2020 (postal mail must be postmarked by March 1).

New Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Data Project

The Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) is undergoing a new data project to gather “quantitative and qualitative information about the status of architectural history as a field in higher education”. You are invited to take part in their upcoming survey, which will be available on the main SAH Data Project Page, HERE.  In addition, be sure to check out the blog post “Four Questions for a Community College Architectural History Instructor” while you’re there. This Mellon-supported project is scheduled to be completed in December of 2020. More information will be forthcoming as the project progresses.

Should you have any questions or be interested in further information, you can feel free to contact the project’s researcher, Sarah M. Dreller, at


National Council on Public History’s 2020 Call for Posters (Deadline: 10/7)

Please see below for the Call for Posters from the National Council on Public History:





The National Council on Public History invites poster submissions for the poster session at our 2020 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.

Deadline: Monday, October 7, 2019
Submit a proposal at
Questions? Email Program Manager Meghan Hillman (

Continue reading National Council on Public History’s 2020 Call for Posters (Deadline: 10/7)


2019-2020 Mellon/ACLS Community College Faculty Fellowships

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) is pleased to announce that the 2019-20 Mellon/ACLS Community College Faculty Fellowship competition is now open. ACLS invites applications from community college faculty who are working on research projects in the humanities and social sciences.

Continue reading 2019-2020 Mellon/ACLS Community College Faculty Fellowships


CAORC Opportunities in India, Senegal, and Jordan! (FULLY FUNDED!)

We are happy to announce that the Council of America Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) has three excellent seminars coming up, each one is a FULLY-FUNDED opportunity for community-college faculty. These are great opportunities, and we hope some of our members will take advantage of them. Fliers for each of these seminars are listed at the bottom of the post.

Continue reading CAORC Opportunities in India, Senegal, and Jordan! (FULLY FUNDED!)


CFP: National Council on Public History 40th Anniversary Meeting

The following message comes from the National Council on Public History:

The National Council on Public History is in the midst of celebrating its 40th anniversary, and we are planning on capping the party off with our 2020 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia! Interested in joining in on the fun? Consider submitting a proposal for the conference which will run from March 18-21, 2020. Our theme for the conference will be “Threads of Change”, and all proposals will be due July 15, 2019. We look forward to hearing from you!

You can Download the NCPH 2020 CFP HERE


Opportunity: Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows Competition for Recent PhDs

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) has announced a truly wonderful opportunity for any recent PhDs. Their Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows Competition, which includes a large stipend and health insurance, is an opportunity that should definitely not be missed. More information can be found at the link HERE. Please  be sure to take note of the coming Deadline: March 13th.
Protect the NEH

2019 Humanities Advocacy Day with the National Humanities Alliance

It is that time of year again, and, unfortunately, funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the humanities as a whole is never guaranteed. To that end, members of CCHA are invited to meet in Washington, DC, to take part in the Annual meeting of the National Humanities Alliance (NHA) on Monday, March 11th, followed by trips to Capitol Hill to advocate for the humanities on Tuesday, March 12th. More information can be found at the link to the NHA announcement HERE. If you cannot make it in person, we will b e sending out information on how you you can advocate digitally. Please do join us in advocating for this important cause and to help protect the humanities.