Mission Statement
The Community College Humanities Association (CCHA), founded in 1979, is the only national organization for humanities faculty and administrators in two-year colleges. It is dedicated to strengthening and growing the humanities in two-year colleges as well as creating awareness of the value of humanities education for students, parents, employers, and members of the community. Since humanities study in higher education is not static, CCHA serves as a catalyst for defining and finding progressive solutions to the many fluid and mutable issues that face community college humanities faculty and administrators.
Who we are
The Community College Humanities Association (CCHA), founded in 1979, is the only national organization of its kind for humanities faculty and administrators in two-year colleges. It is dedicated to preserving and strengthening the humanities in two-year colleges.
CCHA serves as a catalyst for defining the issues which face humanities faculty and administrators today, finding solutions to problems in the field, and establishing a communications network for humanists.
The Community College Humanities Association has five regional divisions each represented by Board Members.
The Association’s Purposes Are:
- To advance the cause of the humanities in community colleges through its own activities and in cooperation with other institutions and professional organizations involved in higher education
- To provide a regular forum for the exchange of ideas on significant issues in the humanities in higher education
- To encourage and support the professional work of faculty and administrators in the humanities
- To sponsors conferences, seminars, and institutes to provide opportunities for faculty development: and
- To promote the discussion of issues of concern to humanists and to disseminate information about the Association’s activities through its publications