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Opportunities with SHAFR: The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations

CCHA Historians and anyone else with an interest in history, we have been contacted by The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) letting us know that they would like to bolster the community college faculty representation in their organization, so please take a moment to become more familiar with SHAFR and their many opportunities, some of which are listed below. More information can be found on their website, SHAFR is a dynamic organization with their own events, conferences, and publications, so please consider taking a look into their valuable work.

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5th Annual Humanities Conference at Essex College


Radical Humanities: The Radical Tradition in the Humanities

5th Annual Humanities Conference at Essex County College


From March 21-24, 2017, the Humanities Division at Essex County College will host its 5th annual Humanities conference, “Radical Humanities: The Radical Tradition in the Humanities.” Although the idea of radicalism can, in some ways, seem antithetical to our understanding of “tradition,” this conference will, in part, examine the roots and patterns of radical thought in humanities discourse (including literature, philosophy, art, music, theater, dance, media, architecture, and design) as well as explore works, ideas, and movements that may be seen as radical or revolutionary.

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CRT Logo

3rd Annual Culturally Responsive Teaching Conference (CRTCON)

The 3rd Annual Conference for Culturally Responsive Teaching will be held on Friday, November 4th, and Saturday, November 5th, at the Community College of Baltimore County Essex Campus. This year’s two keynote speakers are Dr. Pedro Noguera and Dr. Lisa Williams. For more info, see the flyer below or click the link HERE to download the flyer.

Interested in more information about the CRT Program? Check out their website HERE.

Continue reading 3rd Annual Culturally Responsive Teaching Conference (CRTCON)

AHA Logo

Registration is Now Open for the AHA Annual Meeting

Registration open for the American Historical Association Annual Meeting

Join us in Denver on January 5-8, 2017, for the 131st Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. The meeting offers four days of the latest scholarship, professional development, and unparalleled networking opportunities for historians in all fields and professions.

Continue reading Registration is Now Open for the AHA Annual Meeting

UA CMES Resources for College Faculty (From 9/20/16)

The following opportunities are provided by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Arizona:

As always, brief descriptors are immediately below (organized by category). Scroll down further for extended descriptions of anything that interests you. An asterisk (*) designates a University of Arizona Center for Middle Eastern Studies activity; a plus (+) is an item new to the listserv.

Continue reading UA CMES Resources for College Faculty (From 9/20/16)

CCHA Member Scott Newstok has a Great Article in the Chronicle!

CCHA member Scott Newstok has this great article in the Chronicle for Higher Education: “How to Think Like Shakespeare.” Be sure to check it out and send it to your friends!

Do you have something newsworthy you would like to share with your CCHA Friends and colleagues? If so, contact us and let us know as we love to publicize the amazing work being done in our favorite field!

UA CMES Resources for College Faculty (From 9/13/16)

The following opportunities are provided by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Arizona:

Opportunities and Resources for College Faculty – 9/13/2016

As always, brief descriptors are immediately below (organized by category). Scroll down further for extended descriptions of anything that interests you. An asterisk (*) designates a University of Arizona Center for Middle Eastern Studies activity; a plus (+) is an item new to the listserv.

Continue reading UA CMES Resources for College Faculty (From 9/13/16)

CFP for Faculty Composition Summit (Newark, NJ)

CFP for Composition Faculty Summit

Submissions due Friday, September 23, 2016.

Essex County College in Newark, NJ will host a one day composition conference on October 14, 2016 from 12:00-3:00 in Smith Hall.

This conference seeks to expand on last year’s first composition summit to further explore best practices in college writing and developmental writing courses.

Some questions we would like to address in general:

How can we best serve our students at the high school and community college level so they have the skills they need to succeed once they transfer to a four-year college and beyond?
How can we attempt to align curriculum?  What are best practices for teaching composition?  Have acceleration models been successful? Are integrated reading with writing courses more effective?

More specifically, please consider the following for possible panel and proposal topics:

1.       Should composition courses (developmental and others) include other (in addition to MLA) documentation instruction?

2.       Should literature be taken out of composition?

3.       Department exams: how should they be governed/assessed?

4.       How should a portfolio be utilized in the developmental and composition courses?

5.       How should students transition from ESL to ENG?

6.       How is technology used in the classroom?

7.       How are support services best utilized?

8.       How do you keep your part-time faculty aligned with your program objectives?

9.       What innovative pedagogical approaches can we adopt?

10.   Rhetorical modes vs. writing across the curriculum

For all topics, we hope that you can provide assessment methodology and data (not limited to success rates, measurable learning outcomes, etc.).

We seek submissions on best practices from all writing instructors from a variety of fields (rhetoric and composition; technical writing; creative writing; and more) to explain their systems for assessing and evaluating student writing in the college classroom. We hope to share ideas on how to improve composition courses on the high school, community college, and university levels.  What issues are we facing and what are some potential strategies to remedy those issues?

Please send all papers for consideration to: with “CFP” in the subject line.  Please present your proposal in the body of the email.

To register your attendance: with “REG” in the subject line.  Please include the full names of all the people you are registering and their affiliation.

For general questions, please email:
Jina Lee:  and Sean O’Connell:

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