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Fall 2016 Community College Humanities Review (CCHR) Journal Now Available!

CCHA’s flagship bi-annual publication, the Community College Humanities Review (CCHR), is back after being revamped by the new CCHR Editor, Sydney Elliott. You Copies of Volume 1 Issue 1 of the CCHR are now available for purchase through Amazon, and it is also available as a free digital download on the website for our CCHA members. CCHR 1.1 can be accessed HERE.

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CCHA Logo with border

CCHA Response to “The Executive Order on Immigration”

The Community College Humanities Association’s Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration

The Community College Humanities Association (CCHA), representing community college humanities faculty across the United States, is deeply concerned about the implicit and explicit consequences of President Trump’s Executive Order that restricts the free movement of immigrants and predominantly Muslim refugees from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen into the United States.

The CCHA Board of Directors and staff fully support Article 13(2) of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states, “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country,” and in the U.N.’s “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family,” and that this “is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,” the ideals on which American democracy is founded and operates.

The President’s E.O. disrupts students and faculty who attend and teach college in the U.S. It also runs counter to the core principles of humanism, upsets the value and promise of human relationships, and disfavors the integrity of what we, as humanities faculty through the critical engagement of literature, history, philosophy, religious studies, foreign languages and cultures, seek to instill in all our students, a significant and increasing number of which come from countries other than the United States.

The CCHA stands for the fair treatment of any group regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. The CCHA also believes, as the U.N. declaration claims, that “disregard and contempt for human rights [is more likely to result] in barbarous acts which [will outrage] the conscience of mankind,” and that we call on the president to rescind this E.O., continue within the former framework to guard against terrorism, and welcome those who have already been vetted as well as honor the requests of those who are seeking freedom from persecution.

5th Annual Humanities Conference at Essex College


Radical Humanities: The Radical Tradition in the Humanities

5th Annual Humanities Conference at Essex County College


From March 21-24, 2017, the Humanities Division at Essex County College will host its 5th annual Humanities conference, “Radical Humanities: The Radical Tradition in the Humanities.” Although the idea of radicalism can, in some ways, seem antithetical to our understanding of “tradition,” this conference will, in part, examine the roots and patterns of radical thought in humanities discourse (including literature, philosophy, art, music, theater, dance, media, architecture, and design) as well as explore works, ideas, and movements that may be seen as radical or revolutionary.

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Image of George Washington and other colonialists

Support the Humanities: Become a CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer


The Community College Humanities Association (CCHA) has developed a humanities liaison program aimed at strengthening the humanities and humanities faculty at the nation’s community colleges. Please consider becoming the CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer at your college.  Your involvement in this role would be immensely valuable to the humanities faculty and the humanities program at your college, as well as to CCHA and the humanities generally. You would also receive several benefits.

Duties and Requirements of Being a CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer

First, as a spokesperson for CCHA, you are required to be a current individual member – $40 per year for a full-time employee/$15 per year for a part-time employee – which is a pretty good deal. Second, your primary duty will involve being a liaison between CCHA and your campus. Periodically you will receive correspondence from CCHA about opportunities for personal and professional growth in the humanities and you will forward this information to all your humanities faculty and administrators, along with a personal note from you. Third, it is highly recommended that you attend theHumanities Liaison Officer Workshop that takes place at the annual CCHA fall conferences. Lastly, but crucial for promoting CCHA and the humanities, you are asked to offer some kind of spring event at your college. This can be a very informal affair over coffee, or more, whatever fits best with your college. The goal is to inform your humanities faculty and administrators about the opportunities for humanists offered through CCHA (perhaps take them to the CCHA home page or to the blog), and to encourage faculty to become individual members.

Benefits of Being a CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer

As the Humanities Liaison Officer for your college you receive a twenty percent reduction in registration fees for all CCHA conferences. And through the CCHA liaison communication system you and your humanities colleagues will be among the first to be informed of available grants and other opportunities for humanists, including early notification of CCHA-sponsored summer workshops and NEH(National Endowment for the Humanities)-funded summer institutes. You are invited to attend the Past and Present Officers and Liaison Officers Breakfast Meetings occurring at all CCHA conferences, which allows you to interact with other past and present leaders in CCHA. And lastly, having all the Liaison Officers attend the Humanities Liaison Officer Workshop at the annual conferences will allow a sharing of ideas and strategies aimed at promoting the humanities, humanities faculty and administrators, and CCHA.

How to Become the CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer at Your College 

The Community College Humanities Association is the only national organization whose sole purpose is to strengthen the humanities and humanities faculty in the nation’s community colleges.  Your efforts as the Humanities Liaison Officer for your college can help further this goal, both locally and nationally.

For further information, or to find out whether your college has a CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer contact the National Humanities Liaison Officer Program Coordinator Jeff Clausen by email at

If your college does not currently have a CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer, click on the following form for Download: CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer Appointment Form 

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