Be sure to check out the latest issue of the Humanities E-Book from our friends at the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS).
Humanities E-Book Vol. III No. 5
Be sure to check out the latest issue of the Humanities E-Book from our friends at the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS).
Humanities E-Book Vol. III No. 5
Be sure to check out the latest issue of the Humanities E-Book from our friends at the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS).
Our very own Sydney Elliot, CCHA Director of Publications and editor of the Community College Humanities Review journal was the focus of a Q&A session in the most recent edition of the ACLS Humanities E-Book. Check it out at the link below.
The National Humanities Alliance (NHA) has announced the launch of a new “NEH For All” website that can be found at More info from NHA below!
The 2018 Call for Posters is now open here! NCPH’s poster session at the annual meeting is a great way to showcase research-in-progress and get feedback. Submissions are due Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 11:59 pm. Please use the form to submit your proposal. For more information, see our website at Please email NCPH Program Assistant Meghan Hillman at with any questions.
Continue reading 2018 Call for Posters from the National Council on Public History’s Annual Meeting