This page houses the news and updates from the National Humanities Alliance (NHA).
National Humanities Alliance (NHA) Lauds Latest Round of NEH Grants
From the NHA:
NHA Lauds Latest Round of NEH Grants
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Humanities Alliance released the following statement today from its Executive Director Stephen Kidd on the Januar...
NHA Summer Virtual Workshop: Documenting the Impact of the Humanities in Higher Ed
The National Humanities Alliance is offering a summer virtual workshop opportunity with a discount available to our members. Documenting the Impact of the Public Humanities in Higher Education: A Tool...
NHA Report: Approaches to Teaching in the Public Humanities
The National Humanities Alliance (NHA) has published its report “Approaches to Teaching in the Public Humanities: Replicable Models for Building Public Humanities Training Programs”.
You c...
Announcement: NHA Lauds Latest Round of NEH Grants
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Humanities Alliance released the following statement today from its Executive Director Stephen Kidd on the April announcement of $24 million in grants from the National...