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Doppelgängers & Ghosts: Spiritualism and Spirit Photography


You can view the recording from this event here.

Please join us on Thursday, August 8th, at 7:00 PM EST for the speaker event: Doppelgängers & Ghosts: Spiritualism and Spirit Photography. Please also see the linked flyer below for more information.

Photography was invented and popularized during a period of enormous upheaval in political, social, technological and spiritual life- much like today. Also like today, the desire to give meaning to these enormous changes can find an outlet in new quasi-religious modes of understanding that may not stand up well to the icy blade of reason. The desires of a mass of less-than-ideally-informed believers to uncover “the real truth” can make them vulnerable to grift, hucksterism, and hoaxes.

This virtual lecture examines the rise of Spiritualism as a religious force in the 19th century, in response to the perceived failure of rationalism to account for the nebulous woo-woo of life. Photography was soon put to service to “prove” the legitimacy of Spiritualist beliefs. The tension between reality and “what’s really going on” has not abated since.

Speaker Bio:

Scott Hilton is a Distinguished Senior Lecturer at the University of Arlington, Texas in photography. He teaches Introduction to Photography, Dark Room, Staged Environments, History of Photography, Alternative Processes, and Studio Photography. He is also the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Society of Photographic Education. He received his BA in Art at the University of California, Reno and his MFA in Art at California State University, Fullerton.

Event Flyer: CCHA Doppelgangers and Ghosts Flyer

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CCHA 2024 National Conference: Friday, 10/4, Plenary Panel Announced

CCHA is pleased to announce the speakers for our Friday plenary session. The panel will be comprised of Amy Ferrer, Executive Director of the American Philosophical Association (APA); James Grossman, Executive Director of the American Historical Association (AHA); and Paula Krebs, Executive Director of the Modern Language Association (MLA). See below for more info on our esteemed panel participants. More information, including the bios for our panelists, is available at the link here. While you’re there, be sure to check out the many attractions within walking distance from the conference hotel, which can also be found here. We look forward to seeing you in Knoxville in October!

CCHA Keynote Flier 2024 V2