Congratulations, Mellon/ACLS Community College Fellows!

The following update comes from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS):

The Mellon/ACLS Community College Faculty Fellowships recognize humanities and social science faculty who teach at two-year institutions and their vital contributions to scholarship, teaching, and their communities. The awards are tailored to the circumstances of these faculty and support their wide-ranging research ambitions. Fellows may use the awards to pursue projects with a variety of outcomes, including articles, book chapters, or books; course materials; exhibitions; community or campus events; online resources; and more. This program is made possible through the generous support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Continue reading Congratulations, Mellon/ACLS Community College Fellows!


2019-2020 Mellon/ACLS Community College Faculty Fellowships

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) is pleased to announce that the 2019-20 Mellon/ACLS Community College Faculty Fellowship competition is now open. ACLS invites applications from community college faculty who are working on research projects in the humanities and social sciences.

Continue reading 2019-2020 Mellon/ACLS Community College Faculty Fellowships


CAORC Opportunities in India, Senegal, and Jordan! (FULLY FUNDED!)

We are happy to announce that the Council of America Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) has three excellent seminars coming up, each one is a FULLY-FUNDED opportunity for community-college faculty. These are great opportunities, and we hope some of our members will take advantage of them. Fliers for each of these seminars are listed at the bottom of the post.

Continue reading CAORC Opportunities in India, Senegal, and Jordan! (FULLY FUNDED!)


ACLS Names Inaugural Community College Faculty Fellows

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) is pleased to announce the 2019 Mellon/ACLS Community College Faculty Fellows. This is the first year of this program, which supports research projects from humanities and social science faculty who teach at two-year colleges. The program is made possible by a generous grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Continue reading ACLS Names Inaugural Community College Faculty Fellows


Opportunity: Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows Competition for Recent PhDs

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) has announced a truly wonderful opportunity for any recent PhDs. Their Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows Competition, which includes a large stipend and health insurance, is an opportunity that should definitely not be missed. More information can be found at the link HERE. Please  be sure to take note of the coming Deadline: March 13th.

Opportunity: Call for Reviewers for ACLS Fellowship Applications

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) is introducing a new fellowship program this year—the Mellon/ACLS Community College Faculty Fellowships—to support the research ambitions of community college faculty in the humanities and related social sciences. The program, which has its first application deadline on September 26, 2018, will offer up to 26 fellowships of $40,000 to community college faculty working on a diverse range of research projects. You can find out more about the program here:

Like all ACLS fellowship programs, this program will use a peer review process to evaluate applications and select fellows. ACLS is currently looking for community college faculty in all fields of the humanities and related social sciences to serve as reviewers for the program’s inaugural competition or in a future year. Serving as a reviewer would involve evaluating 25-30 applications in the reviewer’s discipline using an online portal. Reviewers will have approximately six weeks this fall to score the applications and enter very brief comments. The honorarium for service is $200.

If you or any of your colleagues might be interested in serving as a reviewer next fall or in a future year, please email ACLS program officer Rachel Bernard ( no later than July 18 with the following information: name(s), email address, institution, faculty rank/title, department, and discipline. You may also enter multiple names on this spreadsheet, and email the spreadsheet to

Thanks so much for your help, and please feel free to forward this post to your colleagues.

ACLS Announces New Fellowships for Community College Faculty

ACLS Announces New Fellowships for Community College Faculty 

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) is pleased to announce a new fellowship program for community college faculty. The Mellon/ACLS Community College Faculty Fellowships, made possible by a generous grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, will support the research ambitions of humanities and social science faculty who teach at two-year colleges.

Continue reading ACLS Announces New Fellowships for Community College Faculty


ACLS Fellowships seek CC Faculty as Deadline of September 27th Approaches

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), a long-time affiliate of CCHA, is looking to expand the reach of its fellowships to include more community college and teaching-intensive faculty members. The deadline for fellowship applications is right around the corner, September 27th, so don’t delay if you are interested in applying.

More information can be found at the ACLS website by using the link below.

ACLS Fellowship Info

Front facade of the American Academy in Rome

2017 CCHA-AAR Affiliated Fellowship Winner Announced

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The winner of the CCHA Fellowship at the American Academy in Rome has been announced!  Please join us in congratulating Prof. Laura E. Migliorino as she will be off to Rome for a one-month fellowship to continue her work on “The Book as the Foundation of Humanities Education” this June!

Prof. Migliorino teaches in the Art Department at Anoka-Ramsey Community College in Coon Rapids, Minnesota, and she has a subject-matter expertise in  Studio Art Design, Photography, Drawing, and Art History. Her work on the project “The Book as the Foundation of Humanities Education” will focus on “integrating important texts from the Rare Book Collection at the Academy into [her] curriculum, serving as markers on a timeline” in order to “deepen and enhance the material.”  The following is an excerpt from her application:

The book is a simple yet complex idea that has profound influence on culture, society, and religion that transcends time and civilization. The book is a platform or foundation for the studies of Humanities because it has so much power on the course of the human life. The impact of books, and the knowledge contained, dictates human history, influences religious and political policy, supports the powerful, and inspires the repressed. In early book creation, the relationship between word and image was essential. The word spoke to the privileged, the educated, and the images informed the poor and illiterate, yet both groups needed books to guide their lives.

Prof. Migliorino’s project is certainly quite comprehensive and exciting!

We would also like to state that this was a very difficult decision as we had so many wonderful proposals to review this year, with more than 15 applicants.  Therefore, we would like to say thanks, again, to all of our competitive applicants.

Are you interested in an opportunity like this? Attend our National CCHA Conference in Baltimore, MD, from November 9-11, or check back in on the blog and the website to see if there is an opportunity for you! You can always follow us on social media, too.

Continue reading 2017 CCHA-AAR Affiliated Fellowship Winner Announced

Front facade of the American Academy in Rome

Call for Applicants: American Academy in Rome (AAR) – CCHA Affiliated Fellowship


Humanities faculty interested in applying for the American Academy in Rome – CCHA Affiliated Fellowship, the call for applicants is now open.

Established by The American Academy in Rome (AAR) in 2013, the AAR/CCHA Affiliated Fellowship is awarded annually to one faculty member at an  American community college. The award includes a four-week residency in June (exact dates TBD) at the Academy and a modest travel stipend.

Interested parties should complete the attached document and submit it by the application deadline of Friday, January 20th, 2017. All application materials (and any questions about the AAR-CCHA Affiliated Fellowship) should be directed to CCHA’s Executive Director, Andrew Rusnak, at by the deadline of TUESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 2017

Application Materials: CCHA Affiliated Fellowship Application