Executives & Staff

Executive Members

Michael Baston

President, Cuyahoga Community College

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CCHA Logo with border
Stephanie Bulger

President, Lane Community College 

Constance M. Carroll

Chancellor, San Diego Community College District

Photo of Constance M. Carroll
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Beverly Moore-Garcia

President, Miami Dade College, West Campus

Sandra Kurtinitis

President, Community College of Baltimore County

Photo of Sandra Kurtinitis

Division Presidents

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Amy Clark Knapp

President, Central Division
Clark State Community College
Art History
Email: knappa@clarkstate.edu

Anne Hofman

President, Eastern Division
Frederick Community College
Chair, English and Humanities

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Jane Zunkel

President, Pacific-Western Division
Portland Community College
Comp & Lit Department
Email: jzunkel@pcc.edu

Nicholas Rummell

President, Southern Division
Pellissippi State Community College
History Department
Email: nlrummell@pstcc.edu

Nicholas Rummell
Linda Sears
Linda Sears

President, Southwestern Division
Collin College
Professor of Humanities
Email: lsears@collin.edu

At-Large Members

Brian Stipelman

Associate Vice President/Dean of Liberal Arts, Frederick Community College
President, Deans’ Committee
Phone: (301) 624-2761
Email: bstipelman@frederick.edu

Brian Stipelman
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Pegah Motaleb

Associate Professor, San Diego Mesa College
At-Large Faculty Representative
Phone: (619) 388-5926
Email: pmotaleb@sdccd.edu

Staff Members

Andrew Rusnak Jr.

Associate Professor, Community College of Baltimore County
Executive Director
Phone: (443) 840-1050
Email: arusnak@ccbcmd.edu

Purview: Publications, Media Outreach, and Special Projects

An image of Andrew Rusnak in front of a desk and bookshelf
Michael Jacobs
Mike Jacobs

Dean, Humanities & Social Sciences, Monroe Community College
Deputy Executive Director
Email: MJacobs20@monroecc.edu

Purview: Conferences and Special Projects

Greg Campbell

Assistant Professor and Department Chair, English, Community College of Baltimore County
Deputy Executive Director 
Email: gcampbel2@ccbcmd.edu

Purview: Digital Content, Conferences, and Special Projects

Greg Campbell
Profile picture of Sydney Elliott
Sydney Elliott

English Faculty, Tillamook Bay Community College
Director of Publications
Email: sydneyelliott@tillamookbaycc.edu

Garrett Brooks

English Faculty, Pacific Lutheran University
Print Designer

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Cathy Feehley
Cathy Feehley

Community College of Baltimore County
Office Administrator 
Email: cfeehley@ccbcmd.edu
