Deans Blog

CCHA’s Deans’ Committee hosts a Humanities Leadership Forum: August 3rd, 3:30-4:45

Please join CCHA’s Deans’ Committee on August 3rd, 3:30-4:45, for its Humanities Leadership Forum. This virtual event provides a platform for community college Humanities leaders to discuss a range of timely and consequential issues germane to the success of our students, colleagues, and institutions. Our inaugural event will focus on two such topics:

  • The impact of artificial intelligence in the humanities classroom
  • Best practices in leadership development

While the forum will be moderated by members of the Deans’ Committee, it will not comprise structured presentations. Rather, it will center the ideas and questions brought forth by attendees, thus helping us cultivate strategies for tackling the myriad challenges we face at our respective institutions.

Participation in this meaningful event is free and open to any and all community college humanities deans, chairs, and faculty leaders. Please REGISTER HERE for this event.

We look forward to seeing you on August 3rd!

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NHA Summer Virtual Workshop: Documenting the Impact of the Humanities in Higher Ed

The National Humanities Alliance is offering a summer virtual workshop opportunity with a discount available to our members. Documenting the Impact of the Public Humanities in Higher Education: A Toolkit will be offered on two dates this June, on the 22nd and 25th. This workshop will offer attendees the opportunity to consider impact research as it relates to their own work and to the humanities more broadly. While the toolkit focuses on public humanities projects (including internship programs, publicly engaged courses, reading and discussion groups, and oral history projects), they anticipate that it will also be relevant to those carrying out a wide range of humanities work.

Visit the NHA workshop page HERE for more information.


CAORC Community College Faculty Development Seminars: Applications Being Accepted

The Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) is proud to announce its Faculty Development Seminars for 2024. These fully-funded seminars are designed for faculty and administrators at US community colleges and minority-serving institutions. The aim is to help participants gain international experience and develop and improve curricula at their home institutions.

The awardees will participate in a short-term academic seminar that includes round-trip travel, accommodations, meals, and site visits. The 2024 series includes seminars presented by Overseas Research Centers in Cambodia, India, Mexico, Mongolia, Palestine, and Senegal. For more details and application links, please visit the Faculty Development Seminars page on the CAORC website.


Call for Proposals Submission Deadline Extended and Acceptance on a Rolling Basis

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Proposals accepted on a rolling basis through June 15th.

Baltimore, MD. May 1, 2023 – According to conference organizers, this year’s Community College Humanities Association’s (CCHA) National Conference theme of “humanistic inquiries …[into] questions of value, power, community, identity, race, justice, healing, conflict, and transformation” is already providing a solid foundation to programming with many intriguing proposals that will surely inspire colleagues.

Now, in collaboration with organizers at the Austin Community College District which opened up more space, CCHA has a new opportunity to expand this year’s conference forum and celebrate a broad range of unique proposals that extend to every reach of the humanities in community colleges. So, please consider submitting a proposal and joining us for the conference.

Continue reading Call for Proposals Submission Deadline Extended and Acceptance on a Rolling Basis

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Call for Applicants, NEH Summer Institute, Visual Culture of the American Civil War and Its Aftermath

Deadline: Friday, March 3, 2023

The American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning at the City University of New York Graduate Center will host a two-week NEH Summer Institute for 25 college and university faculty to study the visual culture of the American Civil War and Its aftermath.

The institute will focus on the era’s array of visual media–including paintings, sculpture, prints, photographs, cartoons, illustrated newspapers, maps, ephemera and monuments–to examine how information and opinion about the war and its aftermath was recorded and disseminated, and the ways visual media expressed and shaped Americans’ views on both sides of and before and after the conflict.

Participants will hear lectures by noted historians, art historians, and archivists and attend hands-on sessions in major museums and archives.  A team of three institute faculty that represents the range of work in the field will introduce participants to the rich body of new scholarship that addresses or incorporates Civil War and postwar visual culture, prompt them to do further research, and help them to use visual evidence to enhance their scholarship and teaching about the war and its short-and long-term effects.
Faculty and visiting speakers include:  Louise Bernard,  Michele Bogart, Joshua Brown, Sarah Burns, Gregory Downs, Matthew Fox-Amato, Aston Gonzalez, Hilary N. Green, Lauren Hewes, Dominique Jean-Louis,  Turkiya Lowe,  Amy Mooney, Susan Schulten, Scott Manning Stevens, and Heather Andrea Williams.

While scholars and teachers specializing in U.S. history, American studies, and art history will find the institute especially attractive, we encourage applicants from any field who are interested in the Civil War and Reconstruction era and its visual culture, regardless of your disciplinary interests. Independent scholars, scholars engaged in museum work or full-time graduate studies are also urged to apply.

Full details and application information are available on the ASHP/CML Institute website.

The Visual Culture of the American Civil War and Its Aftermath has been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom.