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CCHA Awarded Two NEH Grants: NEH Press Release and Info

Great News!

CCHA was just awarded two NEH grants according to the following press release, linked HERE. The awards were for the following two projects:


Community College Humanities Association
[Institutes for College and University Teachers]

Project Director: Laraine Fletcher

Outright: $156,054

Project Title: On Native Grounds: Studies of Native-American Histories and the Land

Project Description: A three-week institute for college and university teachers on Native- American history, to be held at the Library of Congress.


Community College Humanities Association
[Institutes for College and University Teachers]

Project Director: Sandra Petrulionis

Outright: $129,838

Project Title: Transcendentalism and Reform in the Age of Emerson, Thoreau, and Fuller

Project Description: A two-week summer institute for 25 college and university faculty to study the major figures of Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Thoreau, and Margaret Fuller.


Opportunity: National Humanities Center Fellowships

The National Humanities Center will offer up to 40 residential fellowships for advanced study in the humanities for the period September 2017 through May 2018. Applicants must have a doctorate or equivalent scholarly credentials. Mid-career scholars as well as senior scholars are encouraged to apply. Emerging scholars with a strong record of peer-reviewed work are also invited to apply. The Center does not normally support the revision of a doctoral dissertation. In addition to scholars from all fields of the humanities, the Center accepts individuals from the natural and social sciences, the arts, the professions, and public life who are engaged in humanistic projects. The Center is international in scope and welcomes applications from scholars outside the United States.

Continue reading Opportunity: National Humanities Center Fellowships

Fulbright logo

Opportunity: Fulbright Scholarship Awards in American Studies

Announcing Fulbright awards for teaching and research within the areas of American Studies and American History. The Council for International Exchange of Scholars, administers the Fulbright Scholar Program on behalf of the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The Fulbright Scholar competition for academic year 2017-18 launched on February 1, and opportunities are available in a number of countries, including, but not limited to, the awards described below.

Continue reading Opportunity: Fulbright Scholarship Awards in American Studies

Open book with pages spread.

Literary Magazine Competition

Deadline: Monday, May 30th

Does your institution have a literary magazine that you would like to submit to this year’s CCHA Literary Magazine Competition?  If so, please download a copy of the form below and submit yours before the May 30th deadline!  Good luck!

Continue reading Literary Magazine Competition

Fulbright logo

Help Save Fulbright-Hays Funding!

From  our National Humanities Alliance friends:

Dear Humanities Advocate,

Act now to prevent deep cuts to funding for Fulbright-Hays!

The Senate has proposed drastic cuts to Fulbright-Hays.

This program is crucial for training experts in foreign languages and cultures and ensuring productive global engagement.

Continue reading Help Save Fulbright-Hays Funding!

NEH Logo

Opportunity: Humanities Connections Grants (from NEH)

From The National Endowment for the Humanities

Division of Education Programs: Humanities Connections Grants

Reposted from:

Receipt Deadline October 5, 2016 for Projects Beginning May 2017

Brief Summary

Continue reading Opportunity: Humanities Connections Grants (from NEH)

Image of George Washington and other colonialists

Support the Humanities: Become a CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer


The Community College Humanities Association (CCHA) has developed a humanities liaison program aimed at strengthening the humanities and humanities faculty at the nation’s community colleges. Please consider becoming the CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer at your college.  Your involvement in this role would be immensely valuable to the humanities faculty and the humanities program at your college, as well as to CCHA and the humanities generally. You would also receive several benefits.

Duties and Requirements of Being a CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer

First, as a spokesperson for CCHA, you are required to be a current individual member – $40 per year for a full-time employee/$15 per year for a part-time employee – which is a pretty good deal. Second, your primary duty will involve being a liaison between CCHA and your campus. Periodically you will receive correspondence from CCHA about opportunities for personal and professional growth in the humanities and you will forward this information to all your humanities faculty and administrators, along with a personal note from you. Third, it is highly recommended that you attend theHumanities Liaison Officer Workshop that takes place at the annual CCHA fall conferences. Lastly, but crucial for promoting CCHA and the humanities, you are asked to offer some kind of spring event at your college. This can be a very informal affair over coffee, or more, whatever fits best with your college. The goal is to inform your humanities faculty and administrators about the opportunities for humanists offered through CCHA (perhaps take them to the CCHA home page or to the blog), and to encourage faculty to become individual members.

Benefits of Being a CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer

As the Humanities Liaison Officer for your college you receive a twenty percent reduction in registration fees for all CCHA conferences. And through the CCHA liaison communication system you and your humanities colleagues will be among the first to be informed of available grants and other opportunities for humanists, including early notification of CCHA-sponsored summer workshops and NEH(National Endowment for the Humanities)-funded summer institutes. You are invited to attend the Past and Present Officers and Liaison Officers Breakfast Meetings occurring at all CCHA conferences, which allows you to interact with other past and present leaders in CCHA. And lastly, having all the Liaison Officers attend the Humanities Liaison Officer Workshop at the annual conferences will allow a sharing of ideas and strategies aimed at promoting the humanities, humanities faculty and administrators, and CCHA.

How to Become the CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer at Your College 

The Community College Humanities Association is the only national organization whose sole purpose is to strengthen the humanities and humanities faculty in the nation’s community colleges.  Your efforts as the Humanities Liaison Officer for your college can help further this goal, both locally and nationally.

For further information, or to find out whether your college has a CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer contact the National Humanities Liaison Officer Program Coordinator Jeff Clausen by email at

If your college does not currently have a CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer, click on the following form for Download: CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer Appointment Form 

Continue reading Support the Humanities: Become a CCHA Humanities Liaison Officer