The winner of the CCHA Fellowship at the American Academy in Rome has been announced! Please join us in congratulating Dr. Meryl Shriver-Rice as she will be off to Rome for a one month fellowship to continue her work on “The Etruscan Table” this June!
Dr. Shriver-Rice is an archaeologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Arts and Philosophy at Miami Dade College. Her work on the “Etruscan Table” project will examine the “material culture associated with Etruscan food.” This will also include an investigation into the “botanical, entomological, and zooarchaeological evidence for food, feasting, and trade in exotic consumables in ancient Etruria amongst the Etruscan city-states, their hinterlands, and foreign trade relations.” In addition, the project will also have implications on our modern society, as Dr. Shriver-Rice sees one of the outcomes as a way to “bring visibility” to the issues of “of the food-related predicaments we face today, such as food deserts and sustainability.” It is quite a comprehensive and exciting project!
We are also happy to announce that this was a very difficult decision as we had so many wonderful proposals to review this year. Please consider applying for this increasingly-competitive fellowship in the future as it is a great opportunity. Thanks, again, to all of our wonderful applicants.
Are you interested in an opportunity like this? Attend one of our conferences or check back in on the blog and the website to see if there is an opportunity for you!