Fellow friends of CCHA and supporters of the humanities,
I am writing to you to inform you about some updates in addition to offering you an opportunity that will be mutually beneficial! For starters, we now have a fully functional LinkedIn page, Facebook page, Twitter account, and a blog. Please see the links to these below and note that we would love you to “like us” and “follow us” if you are willing and able to do so.
I also wanted to mention an opportunity that goes along with this: publishing something to our blog. The blog posts need not be overtly scholarly, though they also may be. You can write up an opinion piece, a “hot topic” or trend in the humanities, something you did in the classroom, or even something that may be a thought provoking conversation starter.
We are willing to post all realm of ideas, though some things (ahem, perhaps political) may require a disclaimer that states that “This is being passed on for information purposes only and does not reflect any official or unofficial consensus of any opinion of the Community College Humanities Association.” Anything posted to the blog page is then also sent out via LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, so it is certainly an opportunity to get your name, thoughts, and ideas out there!
If you are interested in doing this, simply write your article up and send it along to Greg Campbell at GDCampbe2@gmail.com and I will process things as soon as I can. I only request that you finish your piece by including your full name, rank/title, and home institution so as to give you full credit! I will also be sure to tag your institution when disseminating the information to give you the most credit I can! (Unless, of course, you ask me not to!)
Questions? Feel free to email me at GDCampbe2@gmail.com and I would be happy to discuss anything with you! Thanks for your time, and enjoy your respective spring breaks!
Oh, and check us out on our Discourse Blog, on Twitter, on Facebook, and on LinkedIn
Greg Campbell
Eastern Division Vice President & CCHA Director of Digital Communication
Assistant Professor, English, Community College of Baltimore County