Opportunity: Survey Courses Project

Book spines, profile.

Dear Colleague,

The Survey Courses Project: Workshops in American History and Culture is back by popular demand! This program is designed to help college and university professors improve their survey courses by providing them with fresh insights and rich new content information. Sponsored by the Community College Humanities Association (CCHA)in cooperation with the White House Historical Association and the United States Capitol Historical Society, this project has been created for teachers in higher education who often find it difficult to find time to do research or take additional graduate-level coursework to improve their survey classes. This workshop provides faculty members with an intensive learning experience that will enable them to infuse new perspectives in their survey courses.

We are proud to announce that the second workshop in the SCP series, From the American Jubilee to the American Civil War: 1826-1865, will immediately improve professors’ survey courses and enhance their scholarship. The workshop will feature lively presentations by exceptional scholars, research opportunities at the Library of Congress, and site visits to key historical and culture institutions.

A sample of some of the exemplary scholars and specialists for the Survey Courses Project include:

Pamela Scott, author of Temple of Liberty: Building the Capitol for a New Nation

William Bushong, author of Inside the White House

Steve Livengood, US Capitol Historical Society’s Chief Capitol Guide

Paul Finkelman, author of Slavery and the Founders                                                      

Don Kennon, co-author In the Shadow of Freedom

The Nuts and Bolts: 

Time: The 2016 Workshop will be held July 10-15

Place: Library of Congress, White House Historical Association, US Capitol Historical

Society, Smithsonian’s American History Museum, & other significant historic sites

Program Fee$799 which will include all the workshop’s programming

Registration Fee: $59 holds a spot.in the workshop

Housing:  Low-cost apartment housing is arranged at George Washington University beautiful Mount Vernon Conference Center at approximately $60 per night/per person

Estimated rooming costs WITH workshop fee:

Workshop Program Fee w/Single Room         $1199.00 including tax

Workshop Program Fee w/Double Room        $1079.00 including tax

Deadline for Application and Payment is May 15, 2016

Please note that meals and travel to/from Washington, D.C. are not included in the workshop fee.

Complete the Registration Form at the Community College Humanities Association’s website at www.ccha-assoc.org


Paul Benson, Director

David Berry, Project Manager

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