Call for Proposals: NHA National Humanities Conference in Indianapolis, IN (10/25-29)

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The 2023 National Humanities Conference Call for Proposals is open until April 3rd!

Co-hosted by the National Humanities Alliance and the Federation of State Humanities Councils, the National Humanities Conference brings together representatives from colleges, universities, state humanities councils, cultural institutions, and other community-based organizations to explore approaches to deepening the public’s engagement with the humanities. The conference will be held October 25-29 in Indianapolis. With the help of our partners at Indiana Humanities, we look forward to a conference that offers ample opportunities to engage with local and regional culture and history.

In keeping with the state motto of Indiana, “The Crossroads of America,” the 2023 conference theme is “Crossroads.”

Crossroads are places of choice and possibility—creative, reflective, and forward-looking—and we invite proposals that consider how the public humanities have arrived at their current place, what that place looks like to us today, and where we wish to go from here. We especially encourage proposals that engage humanities practitioners, professionals, and scholars/academics to discuss shared or aligned destinations as well as proposals that explore and delineate how and why we diverge.

We encourage you to submit proposals and recruit others to do the same! Please contact Edward Moreno at with any questions or for support in submitting a proposal.

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