Andrew Rusnak
Executive Director
Associate Professor, English, Community College of Baltimore County, Essex
Phone: (443) 840-1050
Purview: Publications, Media Outreach , and Special Projects
Read Unbeaten Paths, the regular update from the Executive Director
Andrew Rusnak worked his way through college stringing for several community weeklies. After graduating with a B.S. in English from Towson University, he earned his certification in secondary education only to become employed as a technical writer for an international aerospace company. There he also worked as a manufacturing engineer, quality engineer, and technical trainer in advanced composite materials. He wrote research reports, training curricula, manufacturing process plans, repair dispositions, and coordinated basic literacy programs for shop personnel and writing programs for engineers. After 11 years he returned to journalism where he covered the White House, Capitol Hill, Congress, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, writing on environmental remediation technologies, renewable energy, and nuclear and hazardous waste cleanup at DoE sites around the country. As communications director for several Washington, D.C. associations, he edited trade magazines and peer reviewed journals (print and online), managed websites and online content strategies, and conducted media and public relations campaigns. Subject matter included: The transportation, marine, aerospace materials industry; Fiberglass insulation industry; Commercial and residential building trades; and industrial hygiene. He wrote features, hard news, profiles, web content, annual reports, speeches, grants, script for video narration, and business proposals. As a journalist he adjuncted for eight years before becoming associate professor of English at the Community College of Baltimore County. He has a master’s in liberal arts and the history of ideas from The Johns Hopkins University, a master’s in liberal studies from Loyola University, and a third master’s in writing (fiction concentration) from The Johns Hopkins University. He started as a community college student at CCBC. He’s presented on subjects as diverse as machining composite materials, writing press releases, integrating communication platforms for small business, accelerated writing in English composition, STEM-focused and contextualized English composition, stereotype threat, and the relationship between science and the humanities. In 2016, he became Executive Director of the Community College Humanities Association after serving a year as the association’s Eastern Regional President.