A Message from the Executive Director

A very small minority of humanities faculty has recently expressed some concern about holding National CCHA Conferences in cities and states that they perceive to have, let’s just say, political track records not very conducive to the sensibilities we advocate as humanities professors. (Please click the link below to continue reading the Executive Director's message about the Knoxville conference.)

Speaker Event- Dopplegangers & Ghosts: Spiritualism and Spirit Photography

This virtual lecture examines the rise of Spiritualism as a religious force in the 19th century, in response to the perceived failure of rationalism to account for the nebulous woo-woo of life. Photography was soon put to service to "prove" the legitimacy of Spiritualist beliefs. The tension between reality and "what's really going on" has not abated since. Join us for this excellent event on August 8th at 7:00 PM EST.

2024 National Conference: Knoxville, TN!

Check out the information about the 2024 National Conference to be held in Knoxville, TN, and hosted by Pellissippi State Community College, October 3-5!

Community College Humanities Review

Check out the latest issue of the Community College Humanities Review journal and find out how to submit your own work for publication. Consider submitting your own research, fiction, creative nonfiction, interviews, poetry and even photography. More info at the link below.


Community College Humanities Association (CCHA)
The Community College Humanities Association (CCHA), founded in 1979, is the only national organization for humanities faculty and administrators in two-year colleges. It is dedicated to strengthening and growing the humanities in two-year colleges as well as creating awareness of the value of humanities education for students, parents, employers, and members of the community. Since humanities study in higher education is not static, CCHA serves as a catalyst for defining and finding progressive solutions to the many fluid and mutable issues that face community college humanities faculty and administrators.

Membership Options

There are three types of memberships. Learn more about each membership to find the best fit for you.


$ 10-50 /yr

Rates based on employment

Student, Adjunct, and Full-Time Options

Regional & National Conferences

Opportunities to Publish

CCHA Review Journal

Access to Member Content

Awards Programs


$ 575-1095 /yr

Rates are based on FTE

Free Faculty Memberships

Annual Lit. Mag. Competition Entry at a Discounted Rate

Free Copies of CCHA Publications

Special Grant Opportunities

Discounted Rates on CCHA Conference Fees

Sponsoring Institutions

$ 1725 /yr

Support the humanities for less than $5 per day

All Institutional Membership Benefits, plus

More Free Faculty Memberships

Free Entry to the Annual Lit. Mag. Competition

Additional Copies of CCHA Publications

Additional Conference Discounts

Renew your CCHA membership

We value the continuing support of our members and others who value the essential contributions of the humanities for today's students, both as individuals and as members of society. Individual CCHA membership unites you with your colleagues at two-year colleges across the nation in shaping and strengthening the humanities. Institutional CCHA membership makes a valuable contribution to the advancement of the humanities at two-year colleges. ***Please note that the option to renew is ONLY available for an EXPIRED MEMBERSHIP.***

Meet the CCHA Team

Andrew Rusnak

Andrew Rusnak

Executive Director

Sydney Elliott

Sydney Elliott

Director of Publications

Gregory Campbell

Gregory Campbell

Deputy Executive Director

Mel Berry

Mel Berry

Deputy Executive Director

blog posts

Keep in touch with the all the latest news and events
Monroe Logo
Annual McMurry Lecture: 10/28 from Monroe CC English & Philosophy Dept.

The Monroe Community College English & Philosophy Department is pleased to announce the ann...

The Great Questions Foundation in red, stylized text on a white background.
The Great Questions Foundation Faculty Fellowship Program

Application Deadline: October 15th, 2024 Community college faculty members are invited to assem...

CCHA Logo with border
CCHA 2024 Knoxville, TN: A Message from the Executive Director Rusnak

A word about Tennessee from CCHA Executive Director Andrew Rusnak: A very small minority of hum...

MLA Prof. Dev. Series: Humanities Leadership for Community College Faculty

Humanities Leadership for Community College Faculty A Professional Development Series Offered...

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